Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Prejudiced Me - Baby and Public Places


I have been guilty of some things in the pre-baby era. The one that stands out is being prejudiced against parents who bring in public places. No, I was not the one who would give dirty looks to the parents when the baby howled in the plane or in the restaurant, but I would always think to myself as to why they are getting a cranky baby outside.

Now, that I am on this side, I have come to know about a few things through experience

1. You have no idea when the baby becomes cranky - The bub would be happily cooing away and in flat two seconds would be howling its lungs out.

2. Parents are not trying enough - This is not true in most cases. No parent wants their kid to be cranky or to be crying. Also, it does not reflect badly upon their parenting.

3. Why can't they sit at home? - Everyone needs a break and to step out. Parents need it more to maintain their sanity.

Though I still feel that little ones should not be bought to the movies because the sound and the lack of light may not be pleasant for them. Still, I now think who am I to judge?


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