Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Out of Bounds = More Tempting!

Dear V,

Like all kids, you seem to have a penchant for going and putting your hand into the areas which are either dirty or which are unsafe. Or doing things which make me miss a heartbeat. Even though you sort of understand the concept of No, you seem to be using it according to your convenience.

Dustbins come in No. 1 among your favorite things - now that we are segregating our garbage, you seem to be taking a much more stronger liking towards the green bin which has food/bio waste (read mushy, gooey stuff). If you do not see me looking, you quickly try to topple it and play with it.

Drawers You have learnt how to pull them out and take the contents out and you do it with so much energy that I feel scared that you will crush your little fingers. The kitchen pull outs attract a lot of attention. Also, it is so irritating to keep the stuff back in.

Dirty Clothes On some days, you have more costume changes than any bollywood actor and I keep your clothes in a bucket in the bathroom. If by chance the bucket is outside the door, you run to it and pull out the dirty soiled clothes. Eeeks my boy.

Your Parents Plate You are a fussy eater and I am sure there are going to be many posts about that later. But you are so amused by our plates. You want to pull the plate and dip your lil hands in our food. Take a spoon and bang the hell out of our plates while we eat. We are smarter though, we started feeding bits from our plates and then you scoot away!


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