Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Confessions of a (Tired) Mom - 1

Dear V,

Amma at times is a bad girl, especially when she is tired. She is also pretty lazy.

1. I use the TV as a baby sitter.
2. There have been days where I have not combed my hair at all.
3. The more work I have, the more time I end up wasting.
4. No matter how tired I am, I love watching you sleep.
5. When you are deeply engrossed in play, and I call you, you sort of get scared and you come crawling towards me in full speed. I know, it is mean, but I still do it once in a way to see you come towards me.
6. I do not believe in 'not eating until kid eats etc'. If you are asleep, I go and have my meal. A hungry Amma is more of a demon. 


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