Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My lil Wierdo

Munchkin V,

You are one little weirdo. You cannot self feed yet. If I give you food in your hand, you will smear it all over the house and play with it. I do not mind it much, considering I am not too much not a BLW believer. Therefore, it was so hilarious to watch you take the bowl of water and drink it on your own. I have heard that kids learn to eat first and drinking from a bowl much later, but you are ulta and it is so funny.

You have this mad penchant for turning the toys upside down and looking what is underneath. I try to show you something and you immediately topple it. Again a ridiculous but funny habit.

Lastly, you do not let me press my hands together and pray. The moment I do it, you immediately come and move them apart. Lil Wierdo, what are you thinking?


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