Sunday, September 5, 2010

To Everyone Who Has Made Me What I am Today!

Sunday Evening and I am back from a lovely baking class. I stumble upon A's blog. It's Teachers Day today and  she has a lovely post. She is right, today is the perfect day to thank those people who have taught you something either consciously or just by the way.

To all the people right from Ammamma (my grandmom) for defining unconditional and unlimited love, to Madhavi amma our maid servant for teaching me how to hold the broom, from my parents for always standing by me (right from the choice of my subject to the choice of my life partner) to my little brother for teaching me how to fight and how to later make up. From the  friends who have stood by me through the years and through the thicks and thins to the nameless stranger on the road who fought with an eve-teaser along with me. From S for just being there to again S for the most fierce arguments, most romantic dinners, discussing the most trivial things to serious political opinions and what not!

Thank you for being in my life and for making me what I am! Happy Teacher's day folks!


  1. It's amazing how we learn and teach so many things in life and overlook the people who made it possible so easily. :)
    And I think today is the perfect day to think about all those people who made life worthwhile.
    Thank you for including this post. :)

  2. Very True Arushi! Today was a trip down the memory lane for me, thinking of the lil and the not so lil lessons that I learnt from innumerable people. Thanks for your post!
