Friday, June 19, 2009

The week that was!

Finally - I managed a ticker for the blog. I know it looks like a baby's age ticker but I did not have the patience to hunt for more and this one was pretty easy to use, even for a some what technically challenged person like me. I know it sort of does not match too much with the template, but I am planning to change the blogger template to something brighter so that it matches the ticker. This almost sounds like I have brought a handbag and now I need clothes to match with it.

This week was pretty relaxed at work which made me happy and also made me realize that I have been a complete workaholic at times. I also know that work is just work and after all it is not life - but it is taking up a huge chunk of my life. Yet, my work continues to be a strange passion for me. I also realize that I love my work and I also like to whine about how busy I have been at work!!

At home, I have discovered the art of making yummy 'poories' - some think which was jinxed until now even though it sounded pretty simple when mom was explaining over the phone. Hubby is a 'poori' fan (he says it has nothing to do with the similarity to my name though I liketo think it that way) and I am happy that I can make those now. I have also been addicted to a program called 'Highway On My Plate' on NDTV Good Times.

Weekend plans include some grocery shopping and 'updating' the kitchen as Prestige is running a nice exchange offer. Let us see how it goes.

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