Thursday, May 7, 2015

Utensils Chor

Darling V,

Most of the people check for the availability of grocery when the plan to cook something. In our house, we have to first check the availablity of utensils before we think of cooking something. For example, the day I plan to make batter for dosa or idli, I would not find the small lid that goes on the top of the mixer jar. You have become the little elf who takes away all the things and hides into unknown corners of the house. There are spoons in all the nooks and corners of the house. The wooden ladles are your favorite and God knows what joy you get in putting them all up behind the living room unit. In the process of searching, we have re-discovered some long lost objects which we had totally given up on as lost.


P.S - Learn to say it with words, do not hesitate. Do not assume that people understand without saying. Not everyone does.

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