Friday, February 27, 2015

Quiet Time

Munchkin V,

The parenting gurus and books say - engage your child, keep talking to them constantly, keep showing them things and the works. I am in serious doubt whether they themselves have tried doing it - it is exhausting. I figured it doesn't work for me. So, I give you quiet time where I let you play by yourself while watching from a distance. I surround you with your favorite toys and let you play until you come to me. At times, the quiet time lasts only for 5 mins and on good days, for half an hour - but then it gives me my sanity.

My house help commented the other day that - oh, poor thing, he is playing by himself. Again, it is working for you and me, so I do not care. I love it when you engage yourself - the satisfaction on your face when you throw a toy, or when you figure out how to switch on a musical toy.


P.S - I hope I have not jinxed the quiet time. 

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