Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hail Murphy -2

You and Murphy seem to be having some sort of connection.

1. Whole day of tantrums, cries, wails to be carried, screams, refusal of food and all the drama. The moment your dad walks in from work, you leap to him with the brightest of smiles and transform into the goody-goody boy. This is resulting in your dad doubting me on why I complain so much.

2. The other day you woke up when Amma's mobile beeped (mind you, it was a really low beep). Sunday when we had plans to step out, you went into a long nap and in spite of me talking so loudly to wake you up, you slept through for a good 2 hours (never happens during the day). Sigh!

There will be more to come I am sure.


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