Friday, April 3, 2015

Fairy Tales

So, that was bit of gap from blogging - not intentional though. Laziness, a bit of blogger's block (if you may call it that) and also the toddler zapping me off of my energy (actually, you can use the child for any number of excuses and it works each time)!

Dear V,

I have been reading to you and telling you stories for a while - we do very simple stories and flip books as of now. While searching for what books to get you, I re-read some of the fairy tales and then the absurdity stuck me. At times, so much that even if I make extra efforts to suspend my disbelief it does not work. I am a big fan of fantasy, but then there is a difference between absurdity and fantasy, so instead of being fascinated, I found myself laughing. 

Take the Princess and the Pea for example - I mean, how did she feel those tiny three peas from under twenty mattresses, so much that it left her black and blue? Or how the Grandma was swallowed in one piece by the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood and how she came back alive! I can't wait for the time when I tell you some of these tales, and see your reaction. Such is the innocence!


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