Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What you have taught me - Snippets for a lil Boy!

Little V,

Many people describe motherhood as the most beautiful experience on earth. For some, it is an experience of learning, of developing patience, of being selfless, of caring. Some say, children teach us how to laugh, how to share, how to relive our childhood etc. I agree with all these, but for me, the most important thing that being a mommy has taught is to be less judgmental.

A mom gets judged for almost everything - child is overweight/underweight/normal. Child is achieving milestones ahead of time/behind time/on time. Child is very social/shy. Child is talking/not-talking. You get the general picture. Only when one is in it, you realize how easy it is to be judgmental and how tough it is to actually practice what you preach.

There is no right way of being mommy, there is no wrong way either. Formula milk or breast milk? - whatever works for the bub. C-sec or NVD? - Anything depending on the situation. Cerelac or home cooked food - whatever the bub eats. Day Care or Nannies Or SAHM? Anything that works out better.

Thank you lil one for making me a better person than before!


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