Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mars and Venus?

Do Opposites Attract? Yes, I think so!

How else would you explain two almost totally opposite kind of indivuduals (Read S and me) getting hitched and staying together for 2.5 years!

1. S loves Discovery, Animal planet, History and the boring stuff - I am a total sucker for any reality, drama on TV!
2. One of the easiest tasks in this world is to make me cry. A drop of a hat or pin is enough of a tear jerker of me. The only 2 times when I  saw tears in S' eyes was - 1. Tears after laughing his heart out during the numerous re-runs of friends, 2.While watching Beautiful Mind (one of his fav movies).
3. I am a total drama queen - S is the quiet wait and watch types.
4. I over-react and make a hue and cry even if I spot an ant walking across the room. S again waits and watches
5. I love surprises and S hates them. He is brutal enough to tell me right on my face if he doesn't like the gifts that I picked up so lovingly.
6. I love roaming around and traveling, S is the sit-at-home types.
7. I can chatter non-stop with him about anything - even the aforesaid ant walking across! S needs his own space every once in a while.
8. S knows, understands, realizes and works towards his passion! Right now I am clueless and trying to figure out mine.
9.  S is the king of planning (every travel has a list ready) - I am a last minute dump-stuff-in-the-bag type of person.
10. I yell, shout, cry and argue when I am angry - S turns on the silent mode (does not utter a word)!
11. I am over-the-top experssive kind - Hugs, Kisses and clinginess are totally my thing! S is subtle and cryptic.

Seriously, I can go on and on. Needless to say, one comment that we make often is - You did not tell this to me before the wedding! As if that would have changed anything!
As of now, we are still sane and have not lost it yet. Yes, even now my eyes twinkle when I see him!

P.S - I would love to do the reverse of this post - come up with 10 things that we have in common. That would be my anniversary edition.